Trelex Residency 2

Blog 2

A continuation of thoughts following my time in Trelex last year,  still contemplating other dimensions; seen and unseen, solid or translucent, whole or fractured.

(Hardened tissue fractured and stitched, ? trying to cobble the universe together ).

Wondering where extra dimensions might exist I returned to Trelex with thoughts of using snow as a medium, things don’t always work out the way you imagine. The snow was high up, more than knee deep and impossible for me to work in without becoming exhausted and very cold. I needed to improvise and so began to work in the garden.

(Spaces identified with cling film and rain).

Fifty feet above Trelex it is snowing, there is a perfect line across the Jura below which the snow stubbornly refuses to appear. According to residents in the village this is a very mild year – not helping ! However, a short car ride away…..

(Snow and trees seen through another landscape, ? space ? time)

Meanwhile in the village it continues to rain, decimating my garden space.


This might be seen as a desperate attempt to repair rents but it felt ‘right’. I rarely use colour, I find it to be disconcerting, it disturbs my equilibrium and my personal experience of space; so for me to feel the need to use colour is something quite unexpected. This is a big departure from the norm for me, I need time to process what I have intuitively done but I am looking forward to the experience.

Fellow artist Kate Pickin accompanied me here for my second visit, and our time at Trelex is almost over. As before my time here has posed more questions, generating the need for further enquiry, than it has resolved, but that is a good thing. Our sessions with our host Nina Rodin have been wide ranging and insightful, she has brought up several points of interest and it has been good to get her completely neutral and honest viewpoint. I shall return home with a lot to think about.

Kate P and I took the opportunity to visit the Arte Brut Museum in Lausanne. The honesty and generosity of the work there broke my heart at times but I am heartily grateful for seeing it and recommend it to all.

Once again Trelex has proved a rich facilitator for my head and my heart and my soul,

Thank you Nina Rodin.